Wednesday, January 26, 2011

894 left to go!

I ran this yesterday, and it was cool. Nothing like starting slow to a long term lifestyle change, eh? Then I overheard a woman, who I know doesn't like to run, say how she ran 8 minute miles for 2 miles in a triathlon. I was inspired to run a faster mile the next time I'm on the treadmill. Sometimes I'm amazed at how slow I can be, but my motto, like the University of Maryland's, is Fear the Turtle!

Monday, January 24, 2011

895 left to go!

December 18, 2010 = 3 miles
December 19, 2010 = 3 miles
January 3, 2011 = 1 mile
January 24, 2011 = 1 mile

Just getting back into the groove. Hopefully, I'll be groovy soon!